This first blog of mine is a proof that I passed into even semester. It is the first assignment that I got from multimedia course on the first day of the semester.
There are a lot of changes I see here in the new semester. One of the most obvious on is the subjects and schedules. We are about to learn Java Programming Language for the programming class, mathematical class, multimedia class, and algorithm class. No more Pancasila class, Discrete Structure, and ICT class. Following that, new lecturers as well as teaching assistants. A good point is that my class is still with the old programming language lecture, he is a fun lecturer. And I found the new ones are fun as well.
Next, the classmates. Although it was said that the class will be shuffled, it didn’t look like it since I met most of my previous classmates. There are indeed some missing and replaced with new faces.
The first week of the semester is all about introductory. When we talk about the teaching process, it doesn’t differ much from before. Yah, most of it are about theories, terms, and agreements. The most similar thing is the feel of rush which is still present now as we already got some assignments and exercises.
What ever changes it might be, or even similarities. Be it hard, be it easy, I don’t care lah. It is not something I decide, it is about lucky for getting good classmates or fun lecture or even subjects. But one thing does matter me, it will be my difference because it is something I decide. I won’t be laggy in this new semester like sleep in class, daydreaming, or not paying attention. As a result I got shitty mark for my quizzes, projects, and exercises. But, I don’t know how I could get a GPA of 3.74. I thought it would be somewhere near 3.0. Yeah, but score doesn’t mean anything, I don’t really confident about my skill in python or programming. However I prepared a secret weapon during the last semester [:P]. And hopefully I can improve it, use it, and get more serious this time, I want to quit messing as more works come to me and they are very very hard. Let’s see…